Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian - or Capitalist
In my study of political structures, and which function best, I've concluded that capitalism is my preference. I prefer that to Democrat, Republican, Independent, or Libertarian. In societies where capitalism flourishes, there is likely
- Greater opportunity
- Tolerance of diversity
- Social mobility
- Commitment to fairness
- Dedication to democracy.
Pursuit of a Rising Standard for All
With that definition in mind, it is interesting that the ratio of compensation of CEOs to workers was 30:1 in 1970 and 120:1 in 2000. These data were provided by the Economic Policy Institute, a think tank dedicated to including the interests of low to middle income workers in economic policy.
The growth in CEO earnings virtually mirrors in the growth in the S and P 500 Index over that same period. While workers are generally paid in the form of cash compensation, CEOs in non-financial firms earn over 70% of their compensation in the form of equity pay. Therefore, the inequity appears to be based more in the performance of the price of their company stock options than any other factor. If the CEO is ultimately responsible to her stockholders for the performance of the company, then this inequity is readily explained.
Further, during this period retirement savings changed from company-provided defined benefit pensions to retirement programs where employees make contributions that are deducted from their income. For example, a worker who contributes 15% of her $50,000 salary to a 401 (k) plan will show a taxable income of $42,500 after deducting the contribution. Because the IRS limits the dollar amount of contributions, a $250,000 executive at that same firm would be limited to a $16,500 contribution.
The worker's salary in this example would be decreased by 15%, and the executive's by less than half that (6.6%), even though the executive contributed $9,000 more. As you can see, workers contributing to these plans make their income appear proportionately less than CEOs.
Finally, because transfer (unemployment, welfare, disability and social security) payments are taxed, if at all, at a lesser percentage for lower income taxpayers, those amounts are not fully represented as income, based on tax return data.
A 2007 article by the Cato Institute demonstrates that many studies, including recent work from Paul Krugman, grossly overstate the disparity between CEO and worker income, and estimate, based on Congressional Budget Office figures, that the top 1% of earners in 2003 earn between 14:1 to 15:1 more than workers, up from about 9:1 in 1981.
So, while the current climate is not one that shows capitalism in its finest light, we do appear to be in a rising tide that lifts most boats. And, with that, I will add a codicil to my "Capitalist" title.
Barron's Byline Admission
One of my favorite economists is Gene Epstein, who is the Economics Editor of Barron's magazine. I have often referenced his work when teaching Security Analysis at UCLA because of its data-orientation and lack of agenda.
Mr. Epstein recently gave a speech to young people that he was kind enough to share with me, wherein he described himself as a "bleeding heart capitalist." It was at that moment that I adopted a party affiliation.
I am in favor of a system that is most likely to result in greater opportunity, tolerance of diversity, social mobility, commitment to fairness, and dedication to democracy. I am, indeed, a capitalist.
But, I also demand that that system results in a rising standard of living for the clear majority of their citizens. Rather than a "laissez faire" approach to free markets, I favor a properly regulated financial system that compels those who take extraordinary risk be subject to extraordinary loss - and be outside the realm of Federal insurance, either by mandate or by being "too big to fail."
I favor protection of the finest educational system in the world by protecting the free exchange of ideas in a meritocracy, encouraging participation with the world's greatest minds regardless of their country of birth, and funding their priceless contributions to our competitiveness in the global economy.
I, too, am a bleeding heart capitalist, and will support whichever political party that furthers these ideals.
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